After being in Maverick Money Maker Club for 2 months, I am going to break my silence by sharing my experiences in the club with you. At first I would like to share with you how and why I join Mavericks Money Maker Club. 2 months ago, I was chatting with my cousin and she ask me about my life, financially of course because I was an International Student now studying at one of the college at Sydney. I am only able to work as part time, earning less than 300 dollar a week, and with that money, I have to pay for my rent, my food, my transportation as well as my fees. I barely have enough money to save or buy something that I really want. My cousins say “Why Don’t you try Mavericks Money Maker?.

My response to her was “I never believed any of those money making clubs or even self-claim guru’s on the internet, they are all scams.” She replied by saying go to his website and see for yourself. So on that night, I go to Maverick Money Maker website read what the content, watched video is and I felt it was amazing. I couldn’t believe that someone on the internet actually is teaching step-by-step methods to make money online. With only 1 video, I trusted Mack Michael and joined the club on that night that day.

Once all of the paying procedure done, I was able to access into the club straight away. I was a happy and satisfied customer and also a new student. I couldn’t believe what I was looking at in the club; it was a blast for me. I ended up watching his videos, making notes and start following the 7 Step To Start Making 5 to 6 Figures A Year On The Internet”. From that information, I only followed 4 Steps on that night and ended up went to bed at 5am in the morning. I woke up the next day eager to see how I do, I checked my ‘Clickbank Account” and guess what “I Made My First Ever So Wonderful Sales”. I jumped and shriek happily, called my cousin and thanked her for introducing me to Maverick Money Maker.

On the second day, I continue using the 7 Step again. I continue with his “Quick Money Blueprints”, in these blueprints, there are 7 videos and 3 e-books. I started with downloading the e-books categories on Fast Action Guides and read them in just 1 hour time, I felt like a millionaire. I was filled with knowledge and information. Next I watched video on Yahoo Answers. After that, I started applied the methods I learned. At the end of the day, I was exhausted and feel asleep in front of my computer. Once I woke up, the next morning I checked my clickbank account again “I made 3 sales” and again I was a happy club member and a satisfied customer.

Today was my second month in the club, I was happy. I quit my part time hard earn money job, able to concentrate 100% on my studies and also I work part time online, most importantly I am earning more than 300 dollar a week.